A delicious taste of homemade beans which can be served as a main course or as a side dish. Especially great for football Sundays, or frozen for a later...
Don't you just love the sauce on your burger you just got from the restaurant or even the fast food joint? Well, we do! Put this on your burgers instead...
This is an easy recipe for homemade wine. You can choose whatever flavor you like but my favorite is the red. You will need a sterile milk jug, a large...
I got this recipe from a British grandmother. It is hands-down the best potato kugel my family (and most of my guests) ever tasted. It's fabulous served...
Tangy and sweet old-fashioned baked beans with a little jalapeno. They're easy to make and great at a BBQ, hamburger night, a picnic, etc. My husband's...
Great for vegetable pizza, meat pizza, or pasta. Brush your favorite pizza dough with olive oil, spread sauce, add your favorite toppings, and bake per...
Rice with mushrooms, garlic, onion - who could beat that? My family loves this recipe! You can also use it as a main meal if you add cooked chicken after...
This is a really basic way to roast peppers for use in any recipe. Choose any color peppers you like, or use a variety of colors for a beautiful presentation....
This truly is the most delicious stuff! A bit like a cross between corn souffle and a slightly sweet corn pudding! Try it, I know you will love the ease...
A light and creamy sauce with puree of roasted red peppers as the base. It is excellent on any type of pasta, but tortellini or ravioli seems to be the...
My mother won an award many, many years ago with this recipe in the Arizona Republic newspaper. I think it is delish and so different from a lot of other...
This is a great way to cook fresh green beans. This recipe is very basic, but can easily be jazzed up with some onions, fresh garlic, mushrooms - let your...
This quick broccolini dish is delicious, good for you, and full of garlicky, lemony flavor. Broccolini is more tender than broccoli and has a milder flavor....
Sometimes the basics are the best! I've used this simple recipe for years to make garlic bread, and any leftovers go great on barbequed steaks, pasta,...
Its time to release my potatoes to the world!!! Watch your guests try to guess what's in this delicious and simple recipe. It's the perfect side dish to...
This is great for any meal, but is great for breakfast. The syrup from the apples is great on homemade waffles. You may add raisins to the sauce if you...
This is one of the easiest side dishes I've found. I don't even like most tomatoes, but I love these sweet little cherry tomatoes. This is the basic recipe,...
This is a family favorite...spinach, fresh mushrooms, artichokes and cheeses make up a mouth-watering side dish that is creamy and delicious. This recipe...
This is the 'secret' Greek dressing recipe from the pizzeria that I work at. The recipe makes almost a gallon but can be scaled down easily. It can be...
Roasting veggies always needs revamping every now and then, and I like to experiment by pairing them with different dressings or cheeses. I happened to...